How To Change Your Name On Facebook

Facebook expects you to use your real name when creating an account on their site but if you unknowly or mistakenly used a name that is not your real name when you created account on Facebook and now wish to change it, it’s possible to do so. This post will explain to you how to change your name on Facebook, may be you made a mistake on the spelling or you used a fake name or that you just want to change your name due to certain reasons best known to you, just follow the steps below.

How To Change Your Name On Facebook

==> A Open Account Settings
Login to Facebook using your email or phone number and your password. Go to “Account Settings” by clicking on the Gear icon on the top right side of the page.

How To Change Your Name On Facebook

• If you want to change your name on Facebook using mobile app or browser such as ucweb, opera or Facebook app, you have to scroll down to Account Settings.

==> B Click on your name: When you click on the edith name, the name editor will open. You are allowed to enter your first, middle, and last name.

How To Change Your Name On Facebook

• You are not allowed to use symbols, numbers, random capitalization, or punctuation.

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• Facebook permits you to change your name four times only.

• Your name cannot be words or phrases.

• Facebook wants you to enter your real name as it appears on your ID card or credit card.

• The use of nickname should be a variation on your real name.

How To Change Your Name On Facebook

==> C Enter Your Name: It’s preferable to enter your real name because Facebook do not allow the use of fake names or allow you to impersonate someone.

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• If you want to create an account for your business or organization, you have to create a Facebook fan page.
==> D Enter your password: before your new name can be saved, you have to enter your password into the box.

How To Change Your Name On Facebook

==> E Click save changes: now your new name will be saved but it may take up to 24 hours for it to start showing as your name.

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