Twitter Ban: How To Access Twitter In Nigeria Without VPN

Twitter Ban: Nigerians are unable to access Twitter in Nigeria without VPN following the suspension of Twitter operation by the Nigerian government. Twitter is one of the leading microblogging platforms in the world today, the ban affected numerous businesses negatively. This forced many Nigerians to look for solutions and embrace the use of Virtual Private Network (VPN) to gain access and make use of Twitter without encountering any issue.

How Does VPN Works And Benefits

VPN allows you to change your IP addresses to any country of your choice. One of the benefits of Virtual Private Network (VPN) is that it allows anyone to change the IP address from one country to another. This means if you change your IP address to the USA, the VPN will hide your main IP address and it will be showing that you are in the USA. This works the same based on the country you selected, it hides your current IP address location and shows the IP address of the VPN you selected.

Twitter Ban: How To Access Twitter In Nigeria Without VPN

Browsers With Inbuilt VPN To Access Twitter

There many browsers with an inbuilt VPN that you can use to access Twitter in Nigeria. In this case, you don’t have to install any VPN to gain access to Twitter.

Here is a list of browsers with inbuilt VPN:
1. Download and install Opera browser.
2. Brave browser
3. Puffin browser
4. Tor browser.

Twitter Ban: Steps Access Twitter In Nigeria Without VPN

I want to teach you a method you can still use to access Twitter In Nigeria Without VPN. If you don’t have VPN and want to use the Twitter app to tweet and retweet from Nigeria. You should configure/change the Twitter app to work with a foreign IP address, but this IP address may get blocked. If it gets blocked, you change it to any working IP address.

Steps To Configure IP Address On Twitter App

Below is a list of IP address you can use to access Twitter in Nigeria.
Read the below instruction carefully to learn how to set up the Twitter app with a different IP address.

1. Open the Twitter app on your mobile phone.
2. Click on the login button
3. Click on the 3 dots icon at the top right behind the Sign-up button.
4. Click on Proxy
5. Tick the box to Enable HTTP Proxy
6. Proxy Host:
7. Proxy Port: 8080


Proxy Host:
Proxy Port: 8080

In Proxy Host and Proxy Port, as a said earlier it may get blocked. Just enter any working proxy host (IP address) and proxy port you know that is working.

That’s all.
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  1. Nice blog, Thanks for sharing.

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